
Welcome to my GitHub Page!

I’m a IT enthusiast since my childhood and have being learning and working things in many areas. I have professional experience in Support, Training, Consultancy and Development. Last one has been my major interest recently, so I’m focused to become a Fullstack Web Developer and I’m always willing to check new opportunities. So, don’t hesitate to reach me out if you would like to.

So, what’s this about?

Here is my GitHub Page where I present some good and fun stuffs done by myself when learning anything through any kind of material such as articles, blogs, books, tutorials, etc. This is kind of a portfolio, so anyone who interested can check out any of source code available in their respective repositories in my Github Profile and many more over there.

Let’s cut to the chase right away!

Ok. Enough bla bla bla! Here are some things done when learning:

I have used many resources like Books, Tutorial videos, Blog articles. I will be soon listing my favourites one.

Below it is a list of a few of my repositories and some deployed VueJS SPA. If you want to see more click on “view on GitHub” at top of page.

Check it out!

Vue Meetup Vue.js 2.6, VueX, VueRouter, Vuetify 1.5, Firebase, NodeJS
Vue Meal Prep Vue.js 2.6 VueX, VueRouter, Vuetify 2, Firebase, NodeJS
Vue Youtube Search Vue.js 2.6, Bootstrap 4, NodeJS
Vue Calculator Vue.js 2.6, Pure CSS3, NodeJS
Vue Adopt Pets Vue.js 2.6, VueX, VueRouter, Bootstrap.Vue, NodeJS
Vue TodoList Vue.js 2.6, VueRouter, Pure CSS3, NodeJS
EloquentJS Vanilla ES5+, HTML5, CSS3, NodeJS
JS30projects Vanilla ES5+, HTML5, CSS3, NodeJS
Pure CSS and Progressive JS tricks Vanilla ES5+, HTML5, CSS3
Kit-Builder NodeJS, Express, Node-Pkg, Firebase Queue, Node-mailer, Joi, Winston
Kit-Installer NodeJS, Express, Node-Pkg, ShellJS, Prompts, Winston
Kit-Frontend Vue.js 2.6, VueX, VueRouter, Vuetify 2.2
Kit-Builder-Queue-api NodeJS, Express, Netlify-Lambda, Serveless-http, Joi